Miniature Tip of the Week – 2

Remove Your Mold Lines

You’re new to the hobby. You’re excited to jump right in and start painting. You want your model to look good. You take the time to wash and prime it. Only to look it over and see this line running all the way around your model. Spoiling the amazing look of the model. Mold lines are something that can be easily overlooked when starting out in the hobby.

Mold lines are part of the miniature creation process when miniatures are formed in a mold. Sometimes they are very noticeable. Sometimes they are not there at all. Just depends on the model. While it can be tedious, removing mold lines isn’t hard. The final result of your model will look a lot more polished with removing these lines.

Don’t be lazy. Take a few moments and remove the mold lines that encircle the model. Mold lines are usually easy to remove. They just take a little bit of time to remove them. Despite, many different tools that can be used to remove mold lines, usually the back scrape of a hobby knife is what everyone relies on. Files and mold line scrapers are just some of the other tools available to remove those mold lines.

Just a quick tip to think about!

Written by Justin

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