Store Rules

Fun Stuff

  1. Be kind and courteous to everyone. Easy on the language.
  2. Respect other peoples’ property.
  3. Help out new players.
  4. Have a good time!
  5. Scheduled events will take precedence over walk in to use tables.
  6. Please no Food, Drinks, Bags, or Boxes on the play tables. Too much terrain is being damaged.


Stuff To Make Sure Everyone Is On The Same Page

  1. If you concede, it is not reversible. Once it is done, it is done!
  2. If you drop or are removed from a tournament, your entry fee will not be refunded.
  3. If you have an issue during a game, make sure to notify the Tournament Organizer immediately. Do not wait turns later or to mention something after the game.
  4. Once a game is over, it is over. No going back for possible dice rolls or etc…
  5. In tournaments, you may only use 3D printed models to replace actual game models, if you can show the original model and original card if it has one. It also must be easily distinguishable as the model it represents.


Stuff In Case Of a Situation

  1. If you are rude, combative, disruptive, disrespectful, arguing, a threat to others, and etc… you will be removed from tournaments and you may be asked to leave the store.
  2. A Tournament Organizer makes rulings as tournaments progress. Whether right or wrong, the TO’s ruling is final. After the tournament such rulings may be discussed about in a calm, informative manner.
  3. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  4. Parents are responsible for their children
  5. All store rules, interpretations, decisions, etc are up to the sole discretion of the store owners
  6. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, anytime, for any reason.


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