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Aidan DeRosa

Aidan is a college student. This Game Advisor joined our team in February 2023. Aidan plays a bunch of different games and enjoys them all.

Kris Burget

I have been gaming for a long time now. I grew up in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The earliest game I remember starting out with was Milton Bradley’s Heroquest. The game is …

Brian Ludwick

I have been playing some kind of RPG, board, card or miniature game since the late 1970’s. Dungeons and Dragons was my first RPG (it was the only RPG back …

Justin Miller

Justin is a lifelong gamer. Starting late into role playing games at the age of 21. He has been playing and running games since then, including a long stint as …

Michael Hecker

Fascinated by the 1983 Dungeons & Dragons cartoon he watched as a child, Mike started gaming around age 11 with a handful of dice pulled from his family’s board games, …