Brian Ludwick

I have been playing some kind of RPG, board, card or miniature game since the late 1970’s. Dungeons and Dragons was my first RPG (it was the only RPG back then.) In 1986 I started playing miniature games – Battledroids (otherwise know as modern day Battletech), and Star Fleet Battles, a boardgame/miniatures game.

When West End Games released their Star Wars RPG, and after I played that, it was my go-to RPG. In 1988 I was introduced to Rogue Trader Warhammer (40k first edition), and 16 armies later with the new Leagues of Voltan I’m still collecting. Epic Space Marine was also a miniatures game that I played a lot of too.

Magic the Gathering hit and I played that for a long time. At any one time I would have about 200 decks together for me and friends to play anytime we wanted to. I’ve played too many board games to list, but some of my favorites are Power Grid, Clank!, Axis & Allies, Era, Puerto Rico, San Marco, Dominion, Dice Forge, and Kingsburg.

As far as the hobby side of things, I have always had a love for the assembly part of tabletop games. It probably comes from when I was young and my father and I would assemble and paint model planes and warships. He would always buy 2 of the same model, one for me and one for him. I would have mine together before him, but his always looked better than mine. Painting with Testors paints was always a challenge for me and easy for him. How things have changed with paint technology. I wish I had the time to paint more, but something must be put on the back burner.

To sum up, I have a passion for gaming that has been there my entire life. The amount of games I have played so far is too numerous to list, but the one common thread is I always have fun. With gaming whether it’s a board, card , RPGs, or miniature the social interaction is part of the fun, and you don’t get that from a screen, headset, or controller.

I’m in sales and questions are part of the fun for me, so when you are in the shop if you have a question ask me I’ll answer.