Justin Miller

Justin is a lifelong gamer. Starting late into role playing games at the age of 21. He has been playing and running games since then, including a long stint as the Dungeon Master for a group of avid gamers. Justin enjoys playing and running games of all types. Particularly Dungeons & Dragons and Warmachine. Along with role playing games, he likes tabletop miniature games, board games, and just watching cheesy movies while painting models. From a young age he has always been fan of gaming, and enjoys all things science fiction and fantasy.

Co-founding Infinite Realms – The Game & Hobby Shop in June 2018 with 2 other friends and it has been a whirlwind ever since. Justin is dedicated to providing customers with the best tabletop gaming experiences possible through games that are fun, challenging and engaging. Striving for a casual fun time while still keeping a measure of competitiveness.